Privacy Policy

Last updated 2018-01-03

Hi. I'm Tom, the lone developer for this app. I'm not really sure what should go in a privacy policy, but I do take your privacy very, very seriously.

The app is completely open source. The information it sends and receives can be viewed and audited directly, and, if so desired, removed. That doesn't and will never prevent your use of the app as a whole.

As guidance, here's what the app sends in various circumstances:

All data is sent over HTTPS

Here's what I store in my database (literally just transcribing the fields):
NB: When I say "user", I mean "email address", since that is the only identifying information stored.

The CSV of your sleep is not saved, however the graph output is stored temporarily as a by-product of the graphing library used. It is deleted as soon as the export email is sent.

General notes: your data is yours. If you contact me at, I will delete any data I hold and attempt to provide you proof of that. I will not knowingly provide your data to anyone else, and if I find out someone got your data from me, I will attempt to notify you. I will also attempt to notify you if the policy in this last paragraph changes.

If you would like a fullproof method of getting notified on update, I recommend IFTTT or a similar service that can periodically check this page for changes.

I hope this is satisfactory. If not, I have an email address.